Crucial BL2KIT25664ST1608OB

We are very well familiar with Crucial Ballistix Tracer memory module series. Their distinguishing feature is a row of LEDs along the top edge of the heat-spreader, which blinking visualizes the work with the memory sub-system. In early 2011 LexarMedia Company decided to extend the functionality of these LED indicators and came up with the new Ballistix Smart Tracer series. The addition of the word “Smart” indicated three innovations. Firstly, the glow from the modules LEDs goes not only towards the top but also to the bottom of the modules casting additional light on the DIMM slots as well as the mainboard PCB around the. Secondly, the users now can change the LED indication algorithms by adjusting LED color and brightness. And thirdly, the modules acquired a thermal diode.

The manufacturer sent us a 4 GB Crucial Ballistix Smart Tracer kit with BL2KIT25664ST1608OB part number that consists of two BL25664ST1608OB modules. It is important to point out that while the product variety within Ballistix Tracer series is extremely broad, the newest Ballistix Smart Tracer series cannot boast to be so numerous yet. In fact, Lexar offers stand-alone typical DDR3-1600 modules with 2 GB capacity and kits made of two or three DIMMs like that. Moreover, the basic modules are only available in two modifications: with blue and orange or red and green LEDs.

The frequencies and timings of all products in the Crucial Ballistix Smart Tracer series are exactly the same. These modules are designed to work at 1600 MHz frequency with 8-8-8-24 timings and 1.65 V voltage. In other words, Ballistix Smart Tracer modules do not differ in frequency, timings and capacity, no matte within what kit and with what LED colors they are sold.

Crucial Ballistix Smart Tracer kit we got for review this time arrived in a traditional plastic blister package with paper inserts that bear a lot of marketing info

It is interesting that the manufacturer didn’t print specific inserts for their new Smart series: the packaging tells us about the previous simpler product series called Crucial Ballistix Tracer. Could it be that Lexar marketing people do not expect the new product refresh to sell too well? In my opinion, it would be very strange on their part: 4 GB Ballistix Smart Tracer kit is only price higher than its analogue from the Ballistix Tracer series in the official MSRP sheet. If we compare the prices in actual stores, we will see that both kits are priced identically.
The modules exterior also doesn’t blow your socks off. In fact, Crucial Ballistix Smart Tracer modules look exactly the same as the regular Ballistix Tracer, but with black heat-spreaders. Besides, there is a graphical Ballistix Tracer logo on the modules, which indicates clearly that it is a new advanced series and not the previous one.